  • Running days: 1908


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Name: Kostas Diamantakos

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Tel No. : 4164221423

Here are the details of the 20 week formula 

This is for the people who want to take an aggressive approach to build their income quickly.  

If your goal is to simply use email or other tools for your business, this formula may not be for you.

If your goal is to maybe refer enough customers so that your expenses are covered or you want to

make a few extra dollars per month, this formula may not be relevant for you.   

If you are ready to create an income stream that can have an impact in your life, such as

quitting your job, buying a home, paying debts, taking trips, etc.. this plan is for you.  

First, let’s talk about the mindset required for this approach to work. You will want to recognize that

 you are selling business membership, tools, products and services to business people.

Membership programs are a tool that should be used by virtually every sort of business. 

Every network marketer and/or affiliate marketer should be using a Membership program. 

This means we have a LOT of people we can talk to and promote products and services to.  

This is not a system that is going to make you millions overnight. This simple method requires,

 dedication and commitment from you over the course of the next several days, weeks or months.  

Most people are somehow fine with the concept of working a regular job for 40 hours per week X 40+

years KNOWING that the job will never set them free. Here, we are going to do is show you a simple

FORMULA for focusing your energy over the next few days, weeks or months to create an income

that can change your life in a very powerful way.  

So before we get into the numbers, think for a moment. Are you truly prepared to dedicate yourself to

your own financial future over the course of the next several days, weeks or months … even when 

there will be times where you do get frustrated, you experience setbacks, and you find yourself

 wondering if you can really get it done?

Look ahead to a time that is about 6 to 12 months from now and you have consistent income that

is high enough to actually begin to live your life the way you want to.

If you’re ready, it’s time to look at the numbers. These calculations are based on working hard each

week for 20-21 weeks. 

Week 1 ... after you join and purchase our $67 package.   

All you are going to do in your first week is to refer one single customer that also wants to work with

you in this system. This doesn’t mean someone that just found you online and somehow decided to

sign up. This should be someone you KNOW and have actually communicated with about the vision

of what you are wanting to accomplish. They are not just some random online signup. 

They are someone that you have actually talked to. You’ve shared the vision and they want to run

with you to do what you are also doing. Take some time to get this done. 

Make sure they understand the vision of what you are doing and what you will be doing as you

continue working together.  

You now have 1 referral after your 1st week. Most folks wouldn’t be too excited. It’s just one. But

 that one is prepared and ready to “follow exactly the same system” with you. Let’s move to week 2. 


On week 2, you are going to do the same thing.

You are going to find that one that is ready to lock arms and run toward the vision with you. You are

also going to help your first referral from the week before doing the same and get their first referral. 

Remember: We’re not talking about recruiting dozens of strangers. We’re talking about selecting and

working closely with ONE person per week. This brings your total organization to 3.  

On week 3, you are going to do the same thing.

You are going to find another person that is ready to work with you and run toward the vision with

 you. You are going to help the 3 people in your team to do the same and get one new referral each.

You will have 7 people in your organization. You are dedicated to helping your team understand

 the vision and you are working with them to help make the vision a reality. Everyone in your team will

 follow your example and get one new member per week and teach and help them follow the same

 formula doubling your team every week. 

On week 4 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 15.   

On week 5 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 31.   

On week 6 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 63.  

On week 7 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 127.

On week 8 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 255.   

On week 9 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 511.  

On week 10 you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 1023.

You are making some serious money by now!  

On week 11you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 2047. 

At this point, your income and bonuses put you in an entirely new lifestyle.   

On week 12you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 4,095 

and you have built up a powerful momentum in your team.   

On week 13you and everyone in your organization gets one, your team grows to 8,191 
and your team will keep growing

After 13 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $30,856!

You have worked consistently over the past 13 weeks, to build your organization, helping the people in your group follow your example and the step-by-step plan sponsoring one new person per week.
Most people can definitely afford to quit their job at this point should they choose to do so, or at least, you can cut your hours back if you just want to hold on to that traditional job.  
After 14 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $62,856!
After 15 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $126,856!
After 16 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $254,856!
After 17 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $510,856!
After 18 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $1,022,856!
After 19 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $2,044,856!
After 20 weeks working this system, your potential income can be as much as $4,092,856!
There will be setbacks along the way. Some will give up. They always do.

Others may exceed your expectations and go for more than 1 in a week or more than 20 people.

 That’s ok, too. If you miss this goal by 50% or even 90%, is it worth it to know that you can still be financially free with just a little more focused effort with your team?  

I recommend reviewing this information a few times to let it sink in for you. The people who execute this plan effectively will be forever changed and will definitely be able to stop worrying about money!


Take a good look at the potential income you can have by only making a small purchase

and following our formula that takes you "Step by Step" through to the top of the business payout in only "20 weeks" or "about 4 - 5 months".